Thursday, May 7, 2009

Press Release by OPEC

Delegates from the OPEC nations say their high economic dependency on the oil industry will result in a refusal to commit to any agreements on emission reductions if external support is not provided.

The coalition released the following statment:

"Now, at the end of the first negotiating day in Barcelona, OPEC members wish to share their opinion about the discussion through means of this press release. With regard to the proposal drafts that the mitigation working group has elaborated today, OPEC countries oppose any binding agreements on GHG reductions. It is necessary to address the problem of our economic dependency on the oil exports which supply developed countries. Binding agreements force OPEC nations to struggle for survival, making it impossible to agree to such reductions without the willingness of the oil importing countries to offer compensation. Furthermore, the OPEC members will address the common responsibility for the oil consumption among the oil importing countries. The negative effects of the oil industry upon the private markets in the OPEC countries makes it almost impossible to diversify the economy as well as the energy mix without adaptation funding that has been reserved for countries struggling with the impacts of climate change - funding to which we request access."

Contacts: Mai-Li Hammargren, Venezuela and Andreas Laschütza, Saudia Arabia

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