Thursday, May 7, 2009

Brazil, India and China against creation of new country groups

During the current coalition meetings at the Model UNFCCC in Barcelona, Brazil, India and China have held a spontaneous press conference releasing their first statements:
  1. "Brazil, India and China are strongly opposed to the creation of subgroups originating from the original Annex 1 and non-annex 1 structure.
  2. It is too soon to determine which differences exist between different developing countries as this decision would imply precise determination of distinctive factors.
  3. As a result, we will block any attempt to create such subdivision.
  4. At the same time, we believe that the common but differentiated responsibilities implies that our fast growing economies will shoulder a greater part of the burden than other developing countries. This, however, does not require the amendment of the UNFCCC to accommodate new groups."
With this message, Brazil, India and China show that they will not committ legally to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

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