Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sudan boycotts the negotiations in Adaptation committee

“I want to show our complaint to the absence of developed countries and I will now leave the room to show it to the world,” the representative said. Othmar Schwarz, the government delegate from Sudan, strongly protested against the passive attitude of developed countries. He expressed his disagreement with the current situation and with the “overwhelming ignorance” of the present leaders.

No European Union country except for Poland joined the Adaptation committee. The delegate from Poland, Nathalie Zagoda, represented not only Polish but also European attitudes. “The most surprising is the decision of the United Kingdom not to send a delegate. This is a key country in the adaptation process. It is a pity because they have also a great influence on their former colonies and dependant countries,” said Mrs Zagoda.

Struggling on definition of a climate refugee, countries sadly stated that the developed world does not truly care about this issue. Europe and the USA are the preferred destinations for climate refugees, yet are not represented in refugee discussions. China emphasized the severe climate changes that occur worldwide. Due to this fact, people affected by mentioned changes should be also considered as potentially prone to become climate refugees.

Some countries from AOSIS have been concerned about the recent rumours. There was a leakage that the governmental representative from United Kingdom at first was asked to the Adaptation committee. Shortly after publishing the list of countries in the committees, United Kingdom informed the President of UNFCCC, Melissa Paschall, in a diplomatic note that it would like to move to the Mitigation Committee. It proposed to send its NGO, Oxfam, delegate to be represented during talks. Germany refused a proposal to join the adaptation process as well. Is the discrimination circle now closed after the coalition round?

Yours, oikos media productions®

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