Thursday, May 7, 2009

Results after the first committee session: Consensus that CDM shall be coninued

Stephanie Pratsch (South Africa), Chair of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Comittee exclusively reports to oikos media productions® about the outcomes of the first Committee session

During the first committee session on Thursday morning, the CDM committee reached the following decisions which they will present to the plenary in the afternoon:
  • The CDM should be continued after 2012, but must be further developed (vote by consensus)
  • Nuclear Power should be included in the CDM, but may not exceed a quota of 25% of all CDM credits given (vote with 3/4 majority)
  • The technology of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) should be included in the CDM, but may not exceed a quota of 15% of all CDM credits given until 2040 (vote with 3/4 majority)
Stephanie Pratsch about the CCS decision: "We need to be open to the new technologies for achieving our goal of a safer planet." In the discussion about nuclear power apparently two views predominated, Germany as the strongest opponent to nuclear power and France leading the coalition against nuclear power.

"But the most important decision for us in the Algiers coalition is that the CDM will be continued - so long as the plenary accepts our proposals." South Africa partners with Uganda and Sudan during the negotiations in Barcelona, and together the coalition speaks for all of Africa. "Only 2% of the CDM projects are realised in Africa so far," said Pratsch, criticising the complicated and bureaucratic application process that hinders most Least Developed Countries in their attempts to apply for CDM projects. The administrative process of the CDM should be changed, according to Pratsch's view.

What about the coalition's opinion towards the involovement of emerging countries like China and India? "It is important that the emerging countries also reduce their CO2 emmissions significantly. We should increase the overall scope of the CDM -
both in terms of the project types and overall volume, so we can realise CDM projects both in developing and in emerging countries."

How the plenary decides, what the other committees discussed - read it here at

oikos media productions® team


  1. Nice to read about your negotiations, great idea!

    One stakeholder comment: Your decision to include nuclear energy bewilders me, for the following reasons:

    - It promotes the spread of nuclear technology to countries that have serious current or future governance failures.

    - It has no impact on the social development situation in the country, something that has and, in my opinion, should be a criteria under CDM.

    - It subsidises a mature technology that did not manage to break even under adequate regulatory safety and risk management measures after years of public funding, not an emerging technology like solar energy.

    - It cements centralised energy systems failing to reach significant parts of the country, and being fundamentally environmentally unsustainable.

    Best regards from St.Gallen, and good luck and energy for moving on,


  2. Yes, oikos media productions can follow your arguments and will include it into our press report tonight which we will present to the delegates.
    thanks for your comment. regards from Barcelona.
