Friday, May 8, 2009

Voices for Real Change Get Louder

According to a calculation of Sudan, the reductions suggested by the Working Group on Mitigation would lead to a 1.12% increase of CO2 emissions globally, whereas Africa would need a 95% decrease of emissions to avoid devastating climate change effects.

"If the non-annex 1 countries do not commit to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the whole system does not work", says Sudan delegate Othmar Schwarz.

Poland and Russia speak up

The delegate from Poland says she is "shocked" and that "this gives the impression that negotiations are focused on financing, rather than joint solutions. Poland is committed to cooperation toward the goal of global emissions reductions."

Russia, in a public interview, also changed its rigid position of yesterday and publicly announced a new commitment to reduce own emissions 10% by 2020, with 1990 as the base year.

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