Friday, May 8, 2009

CDM Committee not taking new nuclear developments into account

Despite concerns raided by the previously reported attack on the nuclear power plant in France, the CDM working group plans to recommend the inclusion of nuclear power as a carbon offset, with a preliminary ceiling set at 25% of all CDM allowances.

Despite the predictions of some NGOs present at the meetings, discussions did not change signifcantly based on the recent tragedy.

Millions of people in the streets
In Europe, millions of people are demonstrating against the use of nuclear power, and against its inclusion in the CDM.

UK, Germany and Greenpeace are shocked
The delegate from United Kingdom, Fedor Durnev, responds to the situation on behalf of a nascent coalition:

"The United Kingdom, Germany and Greenpeace France are baffled by the ongoing efforts to include nuclear energy in future CDM projects. Taking into account the yesterday’s discussions in the closing plenary session, and especially the tragic event in France today, the reluctance of the CDM committee to reconsider this issue are beyond comprehension."

Germany Prevaricates
Mr. Durnev boasts that his country has been phasing out nuclear energy since 2001, and adds:

"Considering what happened in France today, we think that it was a good decision and we encourage other countries to implement the same strategy. Due to the friendship with France, we will not vote against nuclear energies - but we still consider 25% much too high. To reach a common opinion on this, Germany has offered to support the French automobile industry by investing to make it more fuel-efficient and fuel-flexible,

oikos media thinks: Words alone will not save the world. How can the UK be against something and yet vote in favour of it?

It seems as if the international community again fails to act in concert, even when a nuclear catastrophe is upon us...

1 comment:

  1. South Africa as being the chair of the CDM committee wants to make an official statement on this issue: Neither a country representative nor a NGO representative made an official appeal to the chair today to bring this agenda item up again.
